july, 2024

20jul(jul 20)8:00 pm28(jul 28)10:00 pmShakespeare in the Park8:00 pm - 10:00 pm (28) Telluride, Colorado

Event Details

Twelfth Night or What You Will by William Shakespeare Directed by Carter Gill Adapted by Jen Wineman 2024 Shakespeare in the Park A ship. A wreck. Telluride Theatre’s production follows this famous love triangle, at a summer camp. “Orsino is in love with Olivia, but she’s mourning for her dead brother, so has rejected all his advances so far. He sends Cesario (who is really Viola) with love letters to woo Olivia on his behalf. Unfortunately for the Duke, Olivia is taken in by Cesario’s disguise and falls in love with him.” Join Telluride Theatre for a magical evening on Town Park Stage.

A problem play about love. Join us for our 33rd annual Shakespeare in the Park. Park location is 500 E. Colorado Ave.



20 (Saturday) 8:00 pm - 28 (Sunday) 10:00 pm


Telluride, Colorado

565 Mountain Village Blvd

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